
Russian Alphabet Table Russian Lesson 1

In the table below is the full Russian alphabet in presented in dictionary order. It would also be useful to learn how to say the Russian letters.

The Russian Alphabet
Russian CharacterEnglish EquivalentSoundLetter Name in Russian
А аА аLike "a" in car"ah"
Б бB bLike "b" in bat"beh"
В вV vLike "v" in van"veh"
Г гG gLike "g" in go"geh"
Д дD dLike "d" in dog"deh"
Е еYE yeLike "ye" in yet"yeh"
Ё ёYO yoLike "yo" in yonder"yo"
Ж жZh zhLike "s" in measure or pleasure 
or like "g" in beige (the colour)
З зZ zLike "z" in zoo"zeh"
И иEE eeLike "ee" in see"ee"
Й йI i or Y ylike "y" in boy or toy"ee kratkoyeh"
К кK kLike "k" in kitten, "c" in cat."kah"
Л лL lLike "l" in light"ehl"
М мM mLike "m" in mat"ehm"
Н нN nLike "n" in no"ehn"
О оStressed: O o 
Unstressed: A a
Like "o" in bore
Like "a" in car
П пP pLike "p" in pot"peh"
Р рR rLike "r" in run (rolled)"ehr"
С сS sLike "s" in sam"ehs"
Т тT tLike "t" in tap"teh"
У уU uLike "oo" in boot"oo"
Ф фF fLike "f" in fat"ehf"
Х хH h, KH khLike "h" in hello or like 
the "ch" in Scottish 'loch' or German 'Bach'
Ц цTS tsLike "ts" in bits"tseh"
Ч чCH chLike "ch" in chip"cheh"
Ш шSH sh (hard)Like "sh" in shut"shah"
Щ щSH sh (soft)Like "sh" in sheep"schyah"
Ъ ъHard SignLetter before is hard"tvyordiy znahk"
Ы ыI iLike "i" in ill"i"
Ь ьSoft SignLetter before is soft"myagkeey znahk"
Э эE eLike "e" in pet"eh"
Ю юYU yuLike "u" in use or university"yoo"
Я яYA yaLike "ya" in yard."yah"

The table below gives you the normal printed version of the russian characters, and the cursive (italic) version of the character. The letters which are significantly different are noted in red. It is worth learning these. The cursive characters are often used in signs and they also are similar to the hand-written form of Russian.

А аБ бВ вГ гД дЕ еЁ ёЖ жЗ зИ иЙ йК кЛ лМ мН нО оП пР рС сТ тУ уФ фХ хЦ цЧ чШ шЩ щЪ ъЫ ыЬ ьЭ эЮ юЯ я
А аБ бВ вГ гД дЕ еЁ ёЖ жЗ зИ иЙ йК кЛ лМ мН нО оП пР рС сТ тУ уФ фХ хЦ цЧ чШ шЩ щЪ ъЫ ыЬ ьЭ эЮ юЯ я

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