
Ahmedabad - Gujarat Tour

General Information about Ahmedabad
Population: 3.5 million
Area: 104 square kms.
Altitude: 53 m.
Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, English
Best season: October to March

Information on Ahmedabad 
Ahmedabad, also known as Amdavad is the second largest city of west India and the largest city in Gujarat. Ahmedabad was also the former state capital of Gujarat. Ahmed Shah I founded this city on


the banks of the Sabarmati river in 1411 and thus named as Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad is also known for its association with the Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation and is one of the India's foremost industrial centres. It is a place where tradition and modernity co-exist in perfect harmony. Sir Thomas Roe also described Ahmedabad as a "goodly city as large as London". In summers the temperature is around 41 degree Celsius and in winters it is around 12 degree Celsius. The best season to visit the Ahmedabad is from October to March. Gujarati, Hindi and English are the common languages which are spoken in Ahmedabad.

History of Ahmedabad 
The city of Ahmedabad was originally the Karnavati that was founded on the left banks of the Sabarmati river by Karna Solanki between 1063 and 1093 AD. It was re-established by the Ahmed Shah I in 1411 AD on the banks of the Sabarmati river. This city was considered as one of the finest cities of India in the 17th century. But in the 18th century this city went through a period of decline. In the 19th century the industrial strength raised up the city. Ahmedabad's cotton industry received patronage under its Sultans. The first mill was established by Rancholal Chotalal in 1859, and today there are 80 mills in Ahmedabad. In 1915, Ahmedabad became famous due to the Dandi March started by the Mahatma Gandhi. 

Tourist Attractions in Ahmedabad 

The various tourist attractions in Ahmedabad are the Jama Masjid, Sidi Bashir Mosque, Sabarmati Ashram, Sidi Saiyad's Mosque, Hathee Singh Temple and Calico Museum of Textiles. Jama Masjid was built in 1423 AD by Ahmad Shah and was also described as the most beautiful mosque in India. Sidi Bashir mosque is known for the world famous shaking minarets. If one of the minaret is shaken, the other minaret also get shaken thus regarded as one of the architectural wonders. Hathee Singh Jain temple is dedicated to Dharamanath, the 15th Jina or Jain apposite. This temple is one of the best ornated Jain temples in Ahmedabad and is built of pure white marble. Calico museum of textiles is widely regarded as one of the finest textiles museums in the world, started in Calico Textile Mill.

The major tourist attractions in Ahmedabad are the Gandhi Ashram, Sidi Bashir mosque, Kankaria Lake, Sidi Saiyad mosque, Hathee Singh Jain Temple, Calico Museum of Textiles and Jama Masjid.

Gandhi Ashram 
Gandhi Ashram, also known as the Sabarmati ashram is located on the banks of the Sabarmati River, about 7 kms north of Ahmedabad. This ashram is one of the important tourist attraction and the beautiful ashram complex of Ahmedabad. This Ashram was set up by the Mahatma Gandhi in 1915 and one of the most moving memorial. This ashram was the Mahatma Gandhi's headquarters during the struggle for India's independence. His ashram still makes handicraft, handmade paper and spinning wheels. His living quarter is still preserved as a small museum and there is a library and a memorial centre.

Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad

Sidi Bashir Mosque 
Sidi Bashir Mosque is known for its two shaking minarets, one of an architectural wonder. These two tall towers are connected by a bridge which was once the entrance to the old mosque. This was destroyed by the Marathas in 1753 and has now been replaced by a modern one. When one minaret is shaken, the others also get shake in sympathy. This was done so due to the protection against earthquakes. These two shaking minarets lost half their height in the great earthquake of 1819, and in 1957 these minarets were completely destroyed. 260 columns support the roof of the mosque.

Hathee Singh Jain Temple 
Hathee Singh Jain Temple is located just outside the Delhi Gate in the north of the old city. This Jain temple was built in 1850 by a rich Jain merchant and is one of the Ahmedabad's best ornated Jain temple. This temple is dedicated to Dharamanath, the 15th Jain Tirthankar. This temple is built of pure white marble and profusely decorated with rich carvings.

Sidi Saiyad Mosque
Sidi Saiyad mosque was built by Sidi Saiyad, a general of Abysinian origin in the 1573. This mosque

Hathee Singh Jain Temple, Ahmedabad

is located close to he river and was once part of the old citadel wall. This mosque is one of the  Ahmedabad's most stunning building and best known for its intricate perforated stone work and has beautiful carved stone windows which depict the intricate intervening of the branches of the kalpa tree.

Calico Museum of Textiles
Today, the Calico Museum of Textiles is widely regarded as one of the finest textiles museums in the world. This museum was started in Calico Textile Mill. The museum is housed inside one of Gujarat's famous carved wooden haveli in Shahi Bagh Gardens. This museum was inaugurated by Pandit Nehru in 1948, and is now managed by the Sarabhai foundation. Calico Museum of Textiles has excellent collection of antique and modern textiles including heavy brocades, fine embroideries, sarees, carpets, turbans, rare tapestries, wall hangings, Maharaja's costumes, old weaving machines and royal Mughal tents. It also houses an excellent collection of Jain manuscripts.

Kankaria Lake
Kankaria Lake is located in the south-east of Ahmedabad. This lake is a polygonal artificial lake which has 34 sides and was constructed in 1451 by the Sultan Qutb-ud-din Aibak. In the centre of the lake an island summer palace is situated which is known as Nagina Wadi. This lake was frequently visited by the Mughal emperor Jahangir and his empress Noor Jahan. Now, this lake is a popular picnic spot and is surrounded by a children park,

Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad

zoo, boat club, garden and natural history museum. The Ghattamendal pavilion in the center houses an aquarium.

Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid was built in 1423 by Ahmed Shah and described as one of the most beautiful mosque in India. This mosque is believed to have been built by using the salvaged items from the demolished Hindu and Jain temples. This mosque is built of yellow sandstone and combines the best of Hindu and Muslim styles of architecture. Inside

Jama Masjid, Ahmedabad
the mosque the large black slab by the main arch is the base of a Jain idol, that is buried upside down for the Muslims to tread on.

Triple Gateway
Immediately to the west of the entrance to Ahmed Shah's mosque is the triumphal archway known as Tin Darwaza or Triple Gateway, which once led to the outer court of the royal citadel. At a later period it was surrounded by the tamarind and palm trees, but is now crowded by shops, considerably diminishing its effect. Although it is on a comparatively small scale, being only 12 m high, Percy Brown compares it to a Roman triple archways built by Constantine in the 4th century. He particularly draws attention to the fineness of the pointed arches, the best in India.

Ahmed Shah's Mosque
The Ahmed Shah's Mosque is situated southwest of the Bhadra Fort and dating from 1414. The Ahmed Shah's Mosque was once of the city's earliest mosques. It has an elaborately carved ceiling with a circular symmetry reminding of the Hindu and Jain temples and beautiful pillars and jalis.

Tomb of Ahmed Shah
The tomb of Ahmed Shah was constructed after his death in 1442 by his son Muhammad Shah in the square Ahmed Shah had designed for the purpose.

Ahmed Shah's Mosque, Ahmedabad

This tomb stands outside the Jama Masjid's east gate and includes the cenotaphs of his son and grandson. The central tomb is square with porticos on each side, a central dome, a coloured marble floor and stone jali screens. Women are allowed to go into the central chamber. Across the street is his queen's tomb, now a market and in poor shape. There are eight large marble tombs and some smaller tombs on a platform inside a rectangular courtyard surrounded by a cloister.

Rani Sipri's Mosque
The Rani Sipri's Mosque is situated to the southeast of the centre of the Ahmedabad city. This small mosque is also known as the Masjid-e-Nagira or Jewel of the Mosque due to its graceful construction, with slender minarets-again a blend of styles. It is said to have been commissioned in 1514 by the Rani Asni, wife of Sultan Mahmud Begara. She is also buried here. The square tomb with jali screens stands in front of the mosque.

Rani Rupmati's Mosque

Rani Rupmati's Mosque is situated to the south of the Delhi Gate. This mosque was built between 1430 and 1440 and was named after the Hindu wife of the Sultan. This mosque incorporates Hindu and Islamic design. Rani Rupmati was the princess of Dhar and the Hindu wife of Sultan. It has a high central arch and two minarets which were damaged in the great earthquake of 1819. The roof carries three domes, each above an entrance. The carvings in the gallery and the mihrabs are particularly attractive. The dome is elevated to allow light in around its base. The Rani Rupmati's tomb lies to the north-east. The tombs are decorated with Hindu motifs.

Swaminarayan Temple
Swaminarayan Temple is situated in the old Ahmedabad city. This glorious, multicoloured, woodcarved temple looks like a grand haveli dating from 1850, enclosed in a large courtyard.

Excursions from Ahmedabad
Vishala, Utensils Museum, Sarkhej, Adalaj, Dada Hari Wav, Mata Bhavani's Well, Gujarat Science City, Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary.

Sarkhej is situated about 8 kms. southwest of the city centre and a suburb of Ahmedabad. Sarkhej was once a country retreat of the Muslim rulers. It is known for its Rauza, the fine architectural complex of mosques, palaces, pavilions and tombs, all grouped around a stepped tank. The style shows distinct Hindu influence. By the entrance is the tomb of Sultan Mahmud Begadaa, with geometric jalis casting patterns of light on the floor. Shaikh Ahmed Khattu lived at Sarkhej and built this mosque with a great open space in front of the prayer hall, surrounded by the domes. The Dutch established an indigo factory nearby.

Sarkhej, Ahmedabad

Vishala is situated about 5 kms. from Ahmedabad. It is purposefully built showpiece of a collection of huts along clay paths which capture the spirit of a traditional Gujarati village. It began as an excellent vegetarian restaurant in 1978 but has grown since to include a museum, live performances of music, dance and puppet shows as well as craftsman at work and an excellent shop. Pots, handloom linens, hand crafted shoes, clothes, brassware or embroidery from Vishala. Here you can sit cross-legged at low tables, eat on green leaves and drink from clay tumblers. The portions are generous and there is a large variety of traditional dishes, breads, chutneys, ending with an Indian sweet and nutty ice-cream.

Utensils Museum

The Utensils Museum has an exceptional collection of rare brass and copper utensils, water pots, old betel nut boxes and containers used for temple rituals.

Adalaj is situated about 17 kms. north of Ahmedabad. The baoli or step-well at Adalaj Vav is one of the finest step well in India. Queen Rudabai built this well in 1499 to provide the traveller with a cool and pleasant refuge from the summer heat. A long flight of steps descends to the water. It has three entrances leading to a huge platform that rests on 16 pillars, with corners marked by shrines. Ornately carved pillars and cross beams create open spaces and four storey that are quite striking. The octagonal well is five storey deep. The baoli is decorated with exquisite stone carvings, subjects range from eroticism to buttermilk.

Dada Hari Vav
Dada Hari Vav was built in 1499 by a woman of Sultan Begara's harem. This wav has steps to lower platforms, terminating at a small, octagonal well. The depths are cool, even on a hottest day. Neglected and often borne dry, it is a fascinating place. The best time to visit and photograph the well is between 10 to 11 AM (earlier in the summers

Adalaj Vav, Ahmedabad
and later in the winters), at other times the sun does not penetrate to the various levels.

Mata Bhavani's Well
Mata Bhavani's Well is about 200 kms. north of Dada Hari Vav. Thought to be several hundred years older, it is less ornate and used as a simple Hindu temple.

Gujarat Science City

The Gujarat Science City is an educational theme park situated on the road to Gandhinagar. The features of this science city are an IMAX theatre, the interactive Hall of Science, a 30 seater Thrill Ride Simulator, a spot lit Musical fountain and an Energy Education Park.

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary
Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is situated about 60 kms. south west of Ahmedabad. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is the famous bird sanctuary in Gujarat. The Nalsarovar lake is a seasonal lake spread over an area of 115 square km. This extensive lake is surrounded by the iron flat plains and is known for its water birds. About thousand species of birds like flamingoes and other water birds migrate in the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary during winter. Various variety of birds like kingfishers, egrets, darters, storks, cormorants, jacanas, moorhens, coots, grebes and ducks can be seen in this sanctuary. The best time to visit this sanctuary is in the months of December and January.

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, Ahmedabad


Shopping in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad has a long tradition in craftsmanship. Under Gujarati Sultans and Mughal Viceroys it was one of the most brilliant Indian cities. Its jewellers and goldsmiths are renowned, copper and brassworkers produce very fine screens and pandans (betel boxes). The carpenter produce fine shisham wood articles. There are also skilled stonemasons, producers of lacquer boxes, ivory carvers and hand block printers using vegetable dyes and embroiderers producing exquisite pieces with beads and mirrors. These complement the modern industries such as pharmaceuticals and textiles. Tie-and-die fabrics, khari work with gold and silver thread embossing, printed textiles, gold and silver thread embroidery, Patola silk saris, Sankheda lacquered furniture, mirror-work embroidered skirts and blouse material, bead-work, handicrafts, woodwork, brass articles, appliquéd work and silver jewellery are some of the major items of Ahmedabad.

Excursions from Ahmedabad
Sarkhej, Vishala, Utensils Museum, Adalaj Vav, Dada Hari Vav, Mata Bhawani's Well, Gujarat Science City, Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary are located near Ahmedabad and its excursion can be had for one day. Sarkhej was once a country retreat of the Muslim rulers. It is known for its Rauza, the fine architectural complex of mosques, palaces, pavilions and tombs, all grouped around a stepped tank. 

Sarkhej is situated about 8 kms. southwest of the city centre and a suburb of Ahmedabad. Sarkhej was once a country retreat of the Muslim rulers. It is known for its Rauza, the fine architectural complex of mosques, palaces, pavilions and tombs, all grouped around a stepped tank. The style shows distinct Hindu influence. By the entrance is the tomb of Sultan Mahmud Begadaa, with geometric jalis casting patterns of light on the floor. Shaikh Ahmed Khattu lived at Sarkhej and built this mosque with a great open space in front of the prayer hall, surrounded by the domes. The Dutch established an indigo factory nearby.

Sarkhej, Ahmedabad

Vishala is situated about 5 kms. from Ahmedabad. It is purposefully built showpiece of a collection of huts along clay paths which capture the spirit of a traditional Gujarati village. It began as an excellent vegetarian restaurant in 1978 but has grown since to include a museum, live performances of music, dance and puppet shows as well as craftsman at work and an excellent shop. Pots, handloom linens, hand crafted shoes, clothes, brassware or embroidery from Vishala. Here you can sit cross-legged at low tables, eat on green leaves and drink from clay tumblers. The portions are generous and there is a large variety of traditional dishes, breads, chutneys, ending with an Indian sweet and nutty ice-cream.

Utensils Museum

The Utensils Museum has an exceptional collection of rare brass and copper utensils, water pots, old betel nut boxes and containers used for temple rituals.

Adalaj is situated about 17 kms. north of Ahmedabad. The baoli or step-well at Adalaj Vav is one of the finest step well in India. Queen Rudabai built this well in 1499 to provide the traveller with a cool and pleasant refuge from the summer heat. A long flight of steps descends to the water. It has three entrances leading to a huge platform that rests on 16 pillars, with corners marked by shrines. Ornately carved pillars and cross beams create open spaces and four storey that are quite striking. The octagonal well is five storey deep. The baoli is decorated with exquisite stone carvings, subjects range from eroticism to buttermilk.

Dada Hari Vav
Dada Hari Vav was built in 1499 by a woman of Sultan Begara's harem. This wav has steps to lower platforms, terminating at a small, octagonal well. The depths are cool, even on a hottest day. Neglected and often borne dry, it is a fascinating place. The best time to visit and photograph the well is between 10 to 11 AM (earlier in the summers

Adalaj Vav, Ahmedabad
and later in the winters), at other times the sun does not penetrate to the various levels.

Mata Bhavani's Well
Mata Bhavani's Well is about 200 kms. north of Dada Hari Vav. Thought to be several hundred years older, it is less ornate and used as a simple Hindu temple.

Gujarat Science City

The Gujarat Science City is an educational theme park situated on the road to Gandhinagar. The features of this science city are an IMAX theatre, the interactive Hall of Science, a 30 seater Thrill Ride Simulator, a spot lit Musical fountain and an Energy Education Park.

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary
Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is situated about 60 kms. south west of Ahmedabad. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary is the famous bird sanctuary in Gujarat. The Nalsarovar lake is a seasonal lake spread over an area of 115 square km. This extensive lake is surrounded by the iron flat plains and is known for its water birds. About thousand species of birds like flamingoes and other water birds migrate in the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary during winter. Various variety of birds like kingfishers, egrets, darters, storks, cormorants, jacanas, moorhens, coots, grebes and ducks can be seen in this sanctuary. The best time to visit this sanctuary is in the months of December and January.

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, Ahmedabad

Festivals in Ahmedabad
Makar Sankranti and Navaratri are the two major festivals which are celebrated in Ahmedabad. Makar Sankranti festival is celebrated in the mid of January and marks the end of the winter season and the starting of the northern journey of the sun. It is celebrated with kite flying, accompanied by colourful street markets and festivities. People of all ages join in, preparing in detail for the event. Navaratri festival is celebrated in the month of September - October and has a special significance in the city which prepares for it for weeks and celebrates it for 9 days with a great deal of music and dancing, mainly the Garba Ras dance.

Ahmedabad Festival

How to reach Ahmedabad
By Air:

Ahmedabad is connected by air with Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Aurangabad, Hyderbad, Patna, Srinagar, Vadodara and Bangalore. Some airlines also operates flight between Ahmedabad, London and New York via Mumbai.

By Rail:

Ahmedabad is directly connected with Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Agra, Bhopal, Jaipur, Jodhpur and Porbandar. 

By Road:

Ahmedabad is connected by road with all the major cities in India.

Ahmed Shah Mosque

Dating from 1414, this was one of the earliest mosques in the city and was probably built on the site of a Hindu temple, using parts of that temple in its construction. 1t is to the south-west of the Bhadra Fort. The front of the mosque is now a garden.

Ahmed Shah Tombs

The tomb of Ahmed Shah, with its perforated stone windows, stands just outside the east gate of the Jama Masjid. His son and grandson, who did not long survive him, also have their cenotaphs in this tomb. Women are not allowed into the central chamber. Across the street on a raised platform is the tomb of his queens - it's now really a market and in very poor shape compared to Ahmed Shah's tomb.

Amar Dham

One among the popular religious sites, Amardham needs special rendering. This place is a familiar spot of the devout and the art lovers since apart from a renowned holy place, it holds excellent architectural designs. This religious site is situated with in the ambiance of the city limits and so easily accessible from anywhere. Absolute serenity and divinity coupled with magnificent structural patterns allure scores of people who want to take a refuge from the tiring city life. Do not forget to visit this land of tranquility where you can spend your valuable time with your family in pleasing and quintessential surroundings.

Auto World

"Auto World" is a part of one of the most important collections of Antique Vehicles, Cars, Motorcycles, Utility Vehicles, Buggies etc. built by one family over the last century. It represents several of the greatest marques of cars from all over the world, of all types and ages.

"Auto World" showcases that time of history when an automobile was not a mere means of transport but a symbol of wealth, power and style; the mighty ceremonial limousines, the romantic convertibles and the snappy Sports Cars, cars specially coach built like Railway Saloons, Horse drawn carriages, Boat tailed Wooden Speedsters, Shooting Brakes-Cars built for the rich and famous.Cars to see and be seen in

At "Auto World", various pavilions built on acres of verdant grounds showcase more than 100 of the finest cars in the world such as Rolls-Rocyces, Bentleys, Daimlers, Langondas, Mercedeces, Maybach, Packards, Cadillacs, Buicks, Auburns, Cord, Lancias, Lincolns, Chryslers and many other distinguished makes from USA, UK and Europe. Most of the cars are coach built by renowned coach builders like Hooper, Barker, Gurney-Nutting, Fleetwood, Labaron etc.

Bhadra Fort and Darwaja

Bhadra Fort was built by the city's founder, Ahmed Shah, in 1411 and later named after the goddess Bhadra, an incarnation of Kali. There were royal palaces and a garden inside the fort. It now houses government offices. To the east of the fort stands the triple gateway or Teen Darwaja, from which sultans used to watch processions from the palace to the Jama Masjid. The royal entrance is triple arched and richly carved.

Calico Museum

Calico Museum of Textile is undoubtedly one of the foremost textile museums and a celebrated institute in Indian textiles around the world. Its remarkable collection of fabrics spanning varied and remote regions of India exemplifies handicraft textiles across five centuries. The textiles were collected with a vision to conserve, built awareness and empower the vast and deep textile heritage of India.

Over the years the collection has grown into an outstanding repository of fabrics based on colors, pattern, weave and embellishment and has become a recognized center providing Indian and international scholars an opportunity to study and draw in-depth knowledge on this extraordinary range of Indian ethos. The Museum inspired by Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy was formally housed in 1949 by Shri Gautam Sarabhai and his sister Gira Sarabhai in the large industrial house of Calico. In 1983 it was moved to the beautiful Retreat premises of the Foundation in the Shahibaug area.

Community Science Center

In a time when we need to seriously question our textbooks, and our competition-inducing education system as a whole, the Vikram Sarabhai COMMUNITY SCIENCE CENTER provides a valuable insight on how to keep the joy for learning alive. Started in 1960 with the vision to promote and create innovative methods of discovering mathematics and science, this space opens up for children and adults alike many experiential and experimental approaches. An awesome place to bond and share with your children.

Dada Harir Vav (Stepwell)

In the quiet neighborhood of Asarwa village, northeast of the walled, tucked away between a sleepy residential area and the coal yards of Ahmedabad on a little side street, you will find Dada Harir Vav. At ground level you may not see much, but as you step up to the top of the stairs, you suddenly see a deep cascade of stairs and columns plunging down several stories, with shafts of light falling on beautiful carvings and birds and bats flitting in and out of the shadowy corners.

Built around 500 years ago by Sultan Bai Harir, this stepwell is like others around Gujarat, with elaborate craftsmanship and construction built underground to provide access to a permanent source of water. For many years stepwells like this one provided most of the water for the city during the long dry seasons. On the walls as you descend, you will find carvings of all type, including some in Sanskrit as well as in Arabic script. The well is best visited in the late morning when light penetrates down the shaft.

Gandhi Ashram(Sabarmati Ashram)

Ahmedabad was the center of Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent struggle for India's independence. The energy of that movement can still be felt at the Satyagraha Ashram that he established on the banks of the Sabarmati in 1917, after the previous Kochrab Ashram had to be abandoned because of a breakout of plague. He chose a location that was, at the time, far out of the city so that he could try farming and other such experiments. He learnt the art of spinning and weaving, and soon the ashram began to buzz with khadi, not just as a way of producing clothes, but also as a way of thought. The activity waned when he moved to Sevagram Ashram near Wardha, Maharashtra, after the Namak Satyagraha, leaving the Ashram in the hands of the Harijan Sevak Sangh.

Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya

The Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya in Ahmedabad is run by a public trust established in 1951. The museum's new premises were built in 1963. The museum's main objective was to house the personal memorabilia of Mahatma Gandhi. Consequently, the exhibits on view depict the vivid and historic events of Gandhiji's life. There are books, manuscripts, and photostat copies of his correspondence, photographs of Gandhiji with his wife Kasturba and other ashram associates, life size oil paintings, and actual relics like his writing desk.

Gujarat Science City

Located off the Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway, Science City is an ambitious initiative of the government of Gujarat to trigger an inquiry of science in the mind of a common citizen with the aid of entertainment and experiential knowledge. Covering an area of more than 107 hectares, the idea is to create imaginative exhibits, virtual reality activity corners, and live demonstrations in an easily understandable manner.

Currently the 3D Imax theater, musical dancing fountain, energy park and simulation rides interest visitors. It is hoped that as this place develops, the investment helps to create awareness and sensitivity to better care for our ecology and people through the appropriate use of science and technology. The park is open from 12-9pm.

Gurdwara Gobind Dham

This beautiful Gurdwara, has been built at S G Road in Ahmedabad. The Gurwara's surroundings are very peaceful and calm. The natural beauty of the site creates a spiritual awakening and a Music of Divine words plays within one's soul.

Heritage Walk

The best way to learn about a city is through friends who know the place, but here in Ahmedabad, you can get to know the city and its intricacies even as a stranger. You have at least two options for taking a guided Heritage Walk around the old city of Ahmedabad.

One conducted by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, with guides who volunteer their precious time for this preservation effort. The tour begins at 8am at the Swaminarayan Mandir in Kalupur with a slideshow. It takes you through various pols, havelis, Hindu and Jain temples, various sites including the famous Manek Chowk, and ends at the soulful Jama Masjid at the center of the city at 10:30am.

Hussain Doshi's Gufa

If you are looking for a quiet refuge in the midst of this bustling city, which is surrounded by trees, art and fantasy, than a visit to this underground cave gallery will do you good. Also popularly known as Amdavad ni Gufa on Kasturbhai Lalbhai campus. It is a creative union of two of India's most imaginative minds, the celebrated architect B. V. Doshi and painter M F Hussain.

It is a lively whimsical fusion of modern art and natural design with undulating interconnected domes inlaid with mosaic tiles. Sit here to watch the sunset or enjoy a cup of coffee in its Zen Cafe. This space also houses an art gallery by the same name and becomes a nourishing hub of creative exchange.

Hutheesing Jain Temple

This remarkably elegant temple created out of white marble has been sacred to many Jain families, generation after generation. It was built in 1848 A.D. at an estimated cost of 10 lakh rupees by a rich merchant Sheth Hutheesing as a dedication to the 15th Jain tirthankar, Shri Dharmanatha. Traditional artisans working in stone belonged to the Sonpura and Salat communities. The Salat community constructed masterpieces of architecture ranging from forts, palaces to temples. The work of the Hutheesing Jain temple is attributed to Premchand Salat.

Located outside the Delhi Gate, the temple is spread over a sprawling courtyard, a mandapa surmounted by a large ridged dome, which is supported by 12 ornate pillars. The small garbhagruh (main shrine) on the east end reaches up into three stunningly carved spires and encircled by 52 small shrines dedicated to the various Tirthankars. There are large protuding porches with magnificently decorated columns and figural brackets on three outer sides.

Hutheesing Visual Arts Centre

L and P Hutheesing Visual Arts Center has worked to support various painters, dancers, actors and tribal artists by offering an exhibition space and an open sky amphitheater.


ISKCON is the abbreviation for International Society for Krishna Consciousness. This temple depicts Lord Krishna with his beloved lover Radha, who is regarded as the epitome of true love. Also called as the Hare Krishna Temple, ISKCON temple situates in a vast area with lovely trees, which gives a serene and tranquil environ to the devotees. Temple has much spacious interiors compared to its exterior portions. Huge halls decorated with beautiful chandeliers attributes the devoutness of the shrine. Prayer sessions in the temple provide a soothing feeling to the devotees as the entire ambiance would be filled with the chanting of hymns and Keertans. Janmashtami and Nand Mahotsav are the two auspicious days in the temple, which witnesses' great participation of devotees.

Indian Institute of Management(IIM), Ahmedabad

The Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, better known as IIM Ahmedabad or simply IIM-A, is a management institute located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It was ranked as the top business school in India according to the Business Today B-School Rankings in 2007-08 and the Economic Times B-school Survey 2007. The Centre for Forecasting and Research ranked IIMA as India's top business school in 2009. IIMA has European Quality Improvement System accreditation.

Institue of Indology

The Lalbhai Dalpathbhai Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad was started in 1956, to preserve a repository of rare art, manuscripts and archaelogical objects of India. In 1984, a museum was opened to cover topics ranging from Buddhism, Jainism and its darshans (expressions), grammar, tantra and poetry, Vedas and other different branches of Indian philosophy.

The museum houses about 76,000 hand written Jain manuscripts with 500 illustrated versions and 45,000 printed books, making it the largest collection of Jain scripts. It has precious old books written in languages such as Sanskrit, Pali, Old Gujarati, Apabhramsa, Hindi and Rajasthani. It also showcases Indian sculptures, terracottas, miniature paintings, cloth paintings, painted scrolls, bronzes, woodwork, Indian coins, textiles and decorative art, paintings of Rabindranath Tagore and art of Nepal and Tibet.

Jama Masjid

Just west of Manek Chowk stands the magnificent Jama Masjid (Friday Mosque), built in 1423 during the reign of Ahmedabad's founder Ahmed Shah I. While all around the mosque lies the hectic frenzy of the center of the old city, step through the gates (on the north, east and south sides) and the urban chaos falls away behind you, leaving you standing in a refuge of profound serenity, accompanied only by people in quiet prayer, and birds perching on the columns.

The wide open courtyard, floored with white marble, is ringed by a columned arcade painted with giant Arabic calligraphy, and has a tank for ritual ablutions in the center. The mosque and arcades are built of beautiful yellow sandstone and carved with the intricate detail that mosques of this period are known for. The main prayer hall has over 260 columns supporting the roof, with its 15 domes, making a walk through the hall a beautiful maze of light and shadows. In its Indo-Saracenic architecture, the mosque also contains many syncretic elements not necessarily obvious to the viewer: some of the central domes are carved like lotus flowers, closely related to the typical domes of Jain temples; and some of the pillars are carved with the form of a bell hanging on a chain, in reference to the bells that often hang in Hindu temples. On one of the innermost windows there is even a carving of an 'Om' symbol.

Jhulta Minara (Shaking Minarets)

Also known as the Shaking Minarets, they are playful but with a whir of quivering mystery. They have left the best of architects and pioneering design engineers intrigued and in unresolvable wonder.

There are two well-known pairs of Shaking Minarets in Ahmedabad, one located opposite the Sarangpur Darwaja and the other near the Kalupur Railway Station Area. The one near Sarangpur Darwaja is within the vicinity of the Sidi Bashir Mosque built in 1452 AD by Sidi Bashir, a slave of Sultan Ahmed Shah. They are three storeys talls with carved balconies where visitors were once allowed to climb all the way up.

Kamla Nehru Zoo

If you were in search of a perfect holiday retreat by the side of placid lake, Kamla Nehru Zoological garden would be a nice choice. It is beautifully located at the majestic banks of the tranquil Kankaria Lake. Kamla Nehru Zoological garden is famed for enduring albino animals. Besides the albino animals, the zoo serves as a natural habitat for large number of the feathering folk, reptiles and other mammals.

Visitors can also see endangered species like flamingos, Indian Wild Ass, Mouse Deer, Asiatic Lion and Chinkara. The zoo also holds a museum where one can familiarize oneself with the wildlife pictures and distended birds. Great Indian Bustards are the arresting variety in the museum. Visiting this park with children can be an enchanting experience. The well-known zoological expert Reuben David designed the Kamla Nehru Zoological Park.

Kankaria Lake

A polygonal lake almost a mile in circumference, it was constructed in 1451 by Sultan Qutb-ud-Din. In the centre of the lake is an island-garden with a summer palace known as Nagina Wadi. The lake is now a popular recreational centre and is surrounded by parks, 'Bal Vatika', children's gardens, a boat club, natural history museum and a zoo.

Kanoria Center for Arts

Kanoria is a Fine Arts institute offering workshops and studios to various artists and children. The building is a synthesis of B.V. Doshi's spectacular architecture and the impressions left behind by varied artists for the last 25 years. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, this place generates a perfect environment for calm and creativity.

King's Tomb(Badshah no Hajiro)

This is where the male members of the royal family were buried. Women are not allowed to enter, and men must wear something to cover their heads before entering. There are also a few minister's tombs laid out across the road. It lies to the west of Manek Chowk.

Kochrab Ashram

In 1818, the British East India Company entered the scene and took over the city from the Marathas. However, the Indian Independence movement laid deep foundations in the city in 1915 when Mahatma Gandhi set up the Kochrab Ashram near Paldi.

Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum

If you are an ace bibliophile you must necessarily visit the Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum in Ahmedabad. The Museum covers a wide variety of topics from Buddhism, Jainism and its darshans, grammar, tantra and poetics to Vedas, agama to the different branches of Indian philosophy. It is learnt that this museum has the largest collection of Jain scripts which come around 75, 000 manuscripts with 500 illustrated versions and 45,000 printed books. The books of different languages like Sanskrit, Pali, Old Gujarati, Apabhramsa, Hindi, and Rajasthani are found in Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum.

This museum houses wide collection of ancient books that includes rare manuscripts. Also called as the institute of Indology the museum has a library, which was established in the year 1984 and it holds admirable compilations of miniature paintings, stone sculptures, cloth paintings, bronzes, wood work, textiles, terracottas, coins, metal sculptures along with famous paintings of Tagore and artwork of Nepal and Tibet.

Law Garden

Most popular picnic spot in the city, the Law Garden in Ahmedabad would be a fantastic experience to all. Located at the heart of the city, the lovely ambiance of the garden provides the visitor with enormous and splendid pastime hobbies. Along with lots of recreational activities, one can make the evenings more colourful by tasting the mouth-watering delicacies of Gujarat.

Law Garden is not just a beautiful place but it is a hub of local vendors who sells excellent clothing items and handicraft materials. These shopping centers are more popular with the locals since it sells fine verities of Navaratri outfits. Other frequent visitors in the park are college students, who prefer to eat and shop in affordable prices. This pictorial place is named after the law college that situates adjacent to it. Law garden offers something to every body, be it kids, youth or the old. The sprawling expanse of the garden is usual venue of cultural activities like Music concerts, dance festivals and the like.

Lothal Archaeological Site

Visit the small but informative museum, displaying the artifacts and explaining the unearthed remains. There is also an artist's visualization of what Lothal may have looked like at its peak. Use the stories and visualizations from the museum to re-create your own, as you wander among the ruins. When observing the dock, bear in mind that the harbor may now lie 20 km from the navigable Sabarmati, because of the shift in the river's path, but even as recently as 1850 boats could moor at Lothal, which shows the extent of hydraulic expertise of Harappans.

Manek Chowk

This bustling open square near the center of the city functions as a vegetable market in the morning and a jewellery market in the afternoon, the second biggest in India, at an apparently 3 million rupees of annual turnover. It is most famous, however, for its food stalls that start to emerge around 8 in the evening, with various local street snacks and goodies.

This quarter, the oldest of the city, is named after the 15th century saint Baba Maneknath, who is said to have interrupted Ahmed Shah's efforts to build the new capital. Each day he would weave a mat while the fort walls were being built, which he would then unravel at night, magically bringing down the walls. When this was discovered, he was invited to prove his powers to Ahmed Shah by putting himself into a small jar. When he did this, Ahmed Shah sealed and buried the jar.

N C Mehta Gallery

The N C Mehta Collection of Miniature Paintings is located In the complex of the L D Institute Of Indology. Collected from all over India, this exquisite and ornate collection of miniature paintings can be quite appealing to one with a magnifying lense or just an eye for fine artistry. The collection also includes the famous Pahadi miniatures and the Chaurpanchashika (fifty Love Lyrics of a Thief) series, written by Vilhana, an 11th century Kashmiri Poet.

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

The lake - Nalsarovar - and the wetlands around it were declared a bird sanctuary in 1969. Spread over 120 sq.kms, the lake and the extensive reed beds and marshes are an ideal habitat for aquatic plants and animals. The lake attracts a large variety of birds like plovers, sandpipers and stints. There are 360-odd islets in the lake. Most of them lie exposed when the water level is low. The lake gets filled with water that drains from the adjoining Surendranagar and Ahmedabad districts in the monsoon. With this fresh water inflow, brackishness in the lake is reduced considerably.

The migratory birds arrive in vast numbers, homing in on the lake. There are flocks of pelicans, flamingoes, ducks, demoiselle cranes, common cranes, and several waders occupying huge patches of the lake during the season. With the approaching summer the lake water dries up making it brackish, and the fish and other insect life becomes scarce. The migratory birds and most of the resident birds, such as cormorants, grebes and openbill storks, begin to leave by April.

Pols of Old City

These small neighborhoods are both the backbone and heartbeat of the old city of Ahmedabad. In recent years, families have started moving out to live in more modern houses further from the city center, but many of them still feel a strong attachment to the close-knit communities of the pols that shaped their lives while growing up. Many of them have their own temple at the center of the neighborhood, one or more small shrines for whatever faiths are present.

Many pols are part of a cottage industry, so you will find people sitting on the steps hand-sewing books or crimping silver chains together for traditional jewellery and various other crafts that allow people to add to their livelihood without leaving their homes, thus creating a vibrant community. There are bird feeders in each pol known as chabutro, tall poles that the people of Ahmedabad put up for birds to replace the trees cut down when they built the city, and crevices they built into the walls for birds to use as houses, showing a heartwarming concern for non-human life. The walled city was built before motor vehicles, meant for pedestrians and bicycles, so its small windy streets are best explored on foot.

Queen's Tomb(Rani no Hajiro)

On the street leading to the Queen's (Rani no) tomb (hajiro), where the female members of the royal family were buried, is now a colorful market for 'ladies goods', crowded with women's clothing and other items. It lies to the east of Manek Chowk.

Raj Babri Mosque

The Raj Babri Mosque, south-east of the railway in the suburb of Gomtipur, also has shaking minarets. The Roza of Sarkhej, in a suburb of Ahmedabad, contains the tomb of the Sultan Mahmud Begado. The adjoining tomb of Ahmed Khattu Gang Baksh, a Muslim saint, who helped Ahmed Shah to build the city of Ahmedabad, has a great central dome and a shrine with finely carved brass lattice work.

The Roza of Shah Alam is another monument built in memory of the equally important Muslim saint, Shah Alam. The Roza is supposed to have been built by the brother of the Moghul empress, Noor Jahan, the consort of Jahangir. The complex of the Roza is said to contain the Footprints of the Prohpet, in marble.

Rani Rupmati Mosque

Named after the Hindu wife of Sultan Mehmed Beghara, this mosque was built between 1430 to 1440 A. D. having three domes supported by pillars with the central dome slightly elevated to allow natural light into the mosque. The tomb of Rani Rupmati is next to it. Rani Rupmati Masjid named for the princess of Dhar who married the Sultan of Ahmedabad, is another fine example of the Indo-Sarcenic blended style.

A high central arch, 3 imposing domes, slim minarets, carved galleries and an exquisite mihrab are the high points. Its three domes are linked together by a flat roof. However, the mosque and tomb of Rani Sipri at Astodia surpasses it for its planning and structural arrangement.

Rani Sipri Mosque

A little south-east of the centre this small mosque was built in 1514 and is also known as the Masjid-e-Nagira or 'jewel of a mosque' due to its extremely graceful and well executed design. Its slender, delicate minarets are again a blend of Hindu and Islamic styles.The mosque is said to have been built by a wife of Sultan Mehmood Begada after he executed their son for some minor misdemeanour.

Sabarmati River

Ahmedabad is divided by the Sabarmati into two physically distinct eastern and western regions. The eastern bank of the river houses the old city, which includes the central town of Bhadra. This part of Ahmedabad is characterised by packed bazaars, the clustered and barricaded pol system of close clustered buildings, and numerous places of worship. It houses the main railway station, the General Post Office, and few buildings of the Muzaffarid and British eras.

The colonial period saw the expansion of the city to the western side of Sabarmati, facilitated by the construction of Ellis Bridge in 1875 and later with the modern Nehru Bridge. This part of the city houses educational institutions, modern buildings, well-planned residential areas, shopping malls, multiplexes and new business districts centred around roads Such as AshramRoad, C.G.Road and Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway.

Sanskar Kendra

The Sanskar Kendra was built by none other than the renowned architect Le Corbusier himself in 1954 as a cultural center of Ahmedabad. Located near the Sardar bridge in the vicinity of the famous Tagore Hall, across the National Institude of Design it is a discerning example of modernist architecture.

In order to preserve its architecture, and nurture a space of culture and community, the Vastu Shilpa Foundation has made efforts to revitalize and restore this space by starting a City Museum. This museum is aimed to celebrate the living heritage of the city and the pioneering spirit of its people. As Vastu Shilpa states, "To capture these nuances of the city of Ahmedabad, the museum is consciously conceived as a linear journey through overlapping and interconnected facets of city life ranging from art to industry, craft to culture, history to architecture, individual to institution." Also on display here are old relics, sculptures and the history of this city, informed by photographic, illustrated and textual panels.

Sanskar Kendra also houses the famous Kite Museum designed by Bhanu Shah who has created a fascinating and striking collection of kites with a rare devotion since he was 21 years of age. This collection that gradually grew in range and repertoire is today showcased in the museum accompanied with interesting illustrations and photographs. The musuem needs some revision to connect with changing times, but it can still be worth a visit to a kite enthusiast.

Sarabhai Foundation

The Sarabhai foundation, started in 1959 by Smt. Sarladevi Sarabhai and Shri Ambalal Sarabhai, is a non-profit devoted, among other things, to the promotion of science, art and literature. With a view of preserving and interpreting the cultural heritage of India, in recent years the foundation has also been holding workshops to sensitize museum and university scholars to look at art afresh and more closely. Even if you are not interested in textiles or art, still a visit to the museum is worth it for its ethnic Gujarati haveli architecture and the idyllic calm beauty of the surrounding nature.

Sardar Patel Museum(Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial)

This national museum is housed in the Moti Shahi Mahal in the Shahibaug area. It was constructed between 1618 and 1622 for the Mughal crown prince Khurram, then suba or governor of Gujarat, who later came to be known as Emperor Shah Jahan. It later fell in the hands of the British Raj. In 1878, the great Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore stayed here when he was only seventeen years old and this building served as an inspiration behind his story The Hungry Stones. After the Indian independence, from 1960 to 1978, this palace became the Raj Bhavan, official residence of the Governor of Gujarat. On March 7, 1980, a memorial was founded to honor Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

A small statue of Sardar rests dignified at the entrance of the museum. His memorial is spread across the ground floor, covering the central hall and four adjacent rooms. The museum traces his life through pictures, portraits, biographical descriptions, political cartoons, clippings from newspapers, quotes from people who knew him, relics and personal possessions from his life. It also illustrates the time he spent with Gandhiji through pictures and stories. The room on the first floor where Tagore stayed is dedicated to him and carries his memory through portraits, pictures, writings and a large statue of this great son of India.

Sardar Patel Stadium

Cricket is the most popular sport in the city. Sardar Patel Stadium, built in 1982, hosts both one-day internationals and test matches. The stadium also hosted the 1996 Cricket World Cup.

Sarkhej Roza

About 8 kms. from the city, Sarkhej comprises one of the most elegant architectural complexes of Ahmedabad. Grouped around a great stepped tank is the tomb to the saint, Ahmed Khattu Ganj Baksh (1445), the mosque, the tombs of Mehmud Shah Begada and his queen, and the palace and pavilions. The buildings are remarkable for the complete absence of arches and the use of pierced stone trellises throughout.

Shreyas Folk Museum

In many ways this museum is a tribute to the indefatigable spirit of the Gujarati women who have added remarkable value to the Gujarati heritage with their soulful crafts and unbound imagination. Displayed here the art forms range from varied communities such as the Kathi, Rabari, Ahir, Mer, Charan, Bharvad, Kanbi, Koli, Bhansali, Rajput, Brahmin, Vania, Meghaval, Khoja Bohra, Meman, Miana and several others. Also on exhibit are colorful works of embroidery, wood carving, metal work, bead work and utensils, leather work, costumes, paintings and animal decorations, objects of household usage.

One can appreciate the care and discernment with which these objects have been collected. Photographic panels accompanied by textual description add value to the viewers experience and understanding of this wide collection. Kalpana Mangaldas Children's Museum (Performing Arts Museum) within the same premises houses a collection of puppets, dance and drama costumes, coins and a repository of recorded music from traditional shows from all over the world. One of the highlights at this museum is a complete elephant skeleton (3.19m high).

Sidi Bashir Mosque

One of the most popular monuments in Ahemdabad is the Sidi Bashirs mosque, out side the Sarangpur gate, known as the mosque with shaking minarets or Jhulta minars. Each minaret of the mosque has three storeys, girdled by carved stone balconies, balanced and delicate. The style is a complete innovation. The master craftsmen of the period managed to design them in such a way that they respond to vibration is communicated to the other via a stone bridge joining both .The massive earth quake of 2001 had an impact on the monument.

Sidi Sayeed Mosque

Off the eastern end of Nehru bridge stands the Sidi Sayeed mosque. Built in 1573, it is the last of the major mosques to be built in Ahmedabad under the Mughal rule. Surrounded by busy intersections, it presents a stark contrast to speeding buses and giant advertisements.

The carved jaalis in the windows of the western wall are known worldwide and have become a symbol of the city of Ahmedabad. Depicting a tree with intertwining branches, the carvings look like fine lace filigree work, but are hewn from solid stone. Though much smaller than the Jama Masjid, and lacking the enclosed courtyard, the craftsmanship of this mosque places it on a level nearly unequaled in the world.


In the midst of this busy, sprawling western Ahmedabad, dotted by mushrooming malls and multiplexes, you may find your way into the nature discovery center, SUNDARVAN. As you walk gently around bamboo grooves and a banyan tree you might spot a tortoise blocking your way or a love bird humming away or even a snake skin resting by the pond. This natural refuge is indeed a mini zoo committed to spreading awareness and sensitivity towards nature.

It is most known for the variety of snakes like Russel's viper, Red Sand boa and the revered Indian cobra. Every Sunday they have a snake show in their small amphitheater where the reptiles are removed from their cages. The center also gives its services to rescue snakes whenever they get calls from befuddled city residents. Other than snakes, the zoo also has a marsh crocodile, porcupine, a small aquarium and a bird section. But it is much more beautiful to see birds like pheasant crows flying freely and peacocks dancing away in this natural setting.

Sunday Market

Every Sunday, the open space underneath the eastern end of Ellis Bridge becomes one of the largest market areas in the city. Beginning alongside the bridge, continuing downhill, and sprawling across the area underneath it and along the riverfront, the market sprouts several hundred stalls selling everything one could possibly need. As a distinctly pragmatic market, however, you will see hardly any stalls hawking useless goods, tourist trinkets, pointless decorations, and so forth. Principle items include all manner of kitchen supplies, tools, furniture, hardware, clothing, electronics, used books, bedding, antiques, goats and chickens, and any other household goods you could imagine. It is a lively, chaotic, and always surprising experience.

Swaminarayan Temple

This temple is the first temple of the Swaminarayan sect to have been built. In 1822, the land was given by the British government to do so, and Swaminarayan himself entrusted the responsibility for the construction of the temple to Ananandanand Swami. The temple is carved in Burmese teak, and every arch and bracket is painted with bright colors, a defining characteristic of Swaminarayan temples everywhere.

There are several idols installed by Swaminarayan himself, as well as a display of some of his personal items and sculptures. In the adjoining haveli, there are quarters for pilgrims of the sect, a special section for women, and an area where ceremonies and teaching sessions are held for women only. Located near Kalupur in the eastern part of the old city, the Swaminarayan Temple is a splash of color in the midst of the city's grey and is also the starting point for the Heritage Walk through the pols of the old city.

The House of Mangaldas Girdhardas

The House of Mangaldas Girdhardas (MG for short) was the home of Mr. Mangaldas Girdhardas - amongst Ahmedabad's foremost businessmen and philanthropist of the early 20th century. He started his career as a store-keeper in a textile mill. Within a decade, he became its owner and soon after, he was over seeing an empire comprising of a clutch of mills and other related businesses. With his increasing influence in the community, he decided to build a new residence for himself and his family in the year 1924, across from the famous Sidi Sayed Mosque.

Thol Lake Bird Sanctuary

Thol lake bird sanctuary is a shallow freshwater body surrounded by marshes on the edge and scrubby forest embarking the sides. The lake sanctuary covering an area of 7 square kilometers was declared officially in 1988 and is also known by the name of Thol Bird Sanctuary. The shallow water reservoir speckled with reed beds gives it a distinct ambience while being an ideal dwelling for varied species of birds and insects. The agricultural land surrounding the lake provide ample amount of food for quite a number of birds while the hydrological ecosystem takes care of the others.

One gets overwhelmed with flocks of bird flying together and crating graphical patterns on the sky while long-legged elongated necked cranes keep stalking for fishes and small insects. The still and serene ambience of the locale gets melodiously symphonized with the echoing of thousands birds and illustrated by the varied movements of these spirited creatures. A visual treat for any tourist and a treasurable experience for a bird watcher or ornithologists, this place is home to more than 100 species of birds. Cranes, geese, flamingoes, pelicans, egrets, herons, spoonbills, ducks, whistling teals and many other migratory birds nest and breed in the lap of this natures exuberance.

Utelia Palace

This Heritage Hotel, 7 km from Lothal, was built around the turn of the century to replace the former wooden palace. It is a beautiful place to visit and also offers accommodation (for those with a relatively high budget).

Vaishnodevi Temple

Situated in the city limits, Vaishno Devi temple in Ahmedabad is a popular shrine among not only the devotees but also the tourists. It's strategic location on Ahmedabad - Gandhinagar road gains it huge crowds all round the year. A true replica of the famed temple in Jammu and Kashmir, this lovely shrine also depicts Vaishno Devi as the principle deity. The only difference between the two is that the latter can be visited with in a couple of hours. The uphill path towards the temple houses so many garden restaurants and so if you embark your trip with in a vehicle, you can have your dinner there and it would be a nice day for your entire family.

Vastrapur Lake

A pictorial lake in a lustrous environment is a joyful visa and Vastrapur lake in the western part of Ahmedabad is one of such alluring location. Encircled by all around greenery vastrapur lake is a must see spectacle in the city. Green lawns in the surrounding happen to be the most popular podium of various cultural events. A garden with elaborate stonework is an added attraction here. Water lovers can go for boating since, and the less adventurous can embark on a nice promenade through the nice pathway that rounds the lake. The lake looks so appealing at times when it is fed with the waters from the Narmada river. Let your children loose in the lush environ of the Vastrapura lake and they will have enough to keep themselves engaged in the adjoining children's park.

Vechaar Utensils Museum

Built in 1981 within the vicinity of Vishalla Village Restaurant is the VECHAAR (Vishalla Environmental Centre for Heritage of Art, Architecture and Research) Utensils Museum, a brainchild of architect Mr. Surender C. Patel. It is an effort to cherish and preserve our rich cultural heritage and rare artistic skills and wisdom of our craftsmen. It is an extensive study of utensils from thousand years old to present times, that have evolved over different periods of history as a result of our changing needs and environment. The range varies from leaves or a gourd jug, to modern stainless steel and glass utensils. The metal utensils cover everything from brass, copper, bronze, zinc to German silver.


There are often dissonances between the world our heart craves, and the way our modern life is developing. The minute you enter Vishala, you feel transported into the heart of a Gujarati village. As you walk through the open farm land and breathe the clean air from the trees around, you are greeted by men in turbans and dhotis. Yes, you have signed up for a rural experience on the periphery of the Ahmedabad city.

Nothing can replace a real village experience, but Vishala tries its best to come close. The air smells sweet of lobaan (smoked charcoal). A world is created out of mud huts, machaans (huts built on raised bamboo stilts), adorned with typical Gujarati colors and design motifs. The atmosphere resonates with the eclectic performances of folk musicians and dancers who will invariably entice you to join them. The puppet show under the stars takes children on a high. The ethnic Gujarati food served on biodegradable leaf plates and pottery is a full throttle plunge into the old world charm of Gujarat.

Walled city and Gates

A wall 10 km in circumference was built to encircle the city and protect it from invasion. This wall originally had twelve gates, 189 bastions, over 6,000 battlements and these were added to over time. Eventually, most of the walls were removed, and today only the gates still stand, as well as a short section of wall also stands along the riverfront. The area within the boundary of the old wall is known today as the ?old city", and the difference will be easily visible to a visitor.

The gates standing today are (clockwise from the northwest corner) Shahpur Gate, Delhi Gate, Dariapur Gate, Prem Gate, Kalupur Gate, Panch Kuva Gate, Sarangpur Gate, Raipur Gate, Astodia Gate, Mahudha Gate, Jamalpur Gate, Khanjia Gate, Raikhad Gate, Ganesh Gate and Ram Gate. Each of the gates has beautiful carvings, calligraphy and some of them even balconies.

Other Places
  • Dholeshwar Mahadev Temple, Jakshini Devi Temple, Central Vista Garden etc.

  • Excursions
    go to Akshardham Temple
    go to Indroda Dinosaur and Fossil Park


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